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In Nicaragua huge quantities of fresh, nutritious produce goes to waste from food markets every day.
At the same time, low-income families struggle to put food on the table.
They also face risks of serious long-term health problems due to poor nutrition.

food waste:


how much is there?


1.3 billion tonnes of food is wasted each year worldwide. That's one third of total food production.

(FAO, 2015)


821 million people are chronically undernourished.

(FAO, 2018)


100 million tonnes goes to waste each year in Latin America.

(FAO, 2011)


Agriculture is the largest sector in Nicaragua’s economy

(World Bank, 2015).


Food produced for domestic production is often processed through local markets.


Rescuing food twice per week, Eat United rescues 25,000+ kgs of food from just one such market in one year.


Now imagine how much there is on a national level!

food waste:


why does food go to waste in local markets?

  • Hard to balance seasonal food production with demand

  • The climate is hot and humid

  • Conditions for storage and transport of food are basic.

Average household costs are more expensive than the income generated by two people earning the minimum wage.

food security in nicaragua

Average min. wage:

U$182 per month

(Mintrab, 2018)


Average household costs for a family of 6:

U$430 per month

(INIDE, 2018)

67% of the household expenses is on food

This makes food access tough for low-income or single-parent households,

esp. those responsible for children, elderly or sick people.

Poor nutrition is also a problem. 

food security in nicaragua

Nicaragua has the highest rate of undernutrition in Central America, 

& alarmingly high rates of chronic child malnutrition 

(FAO, 2017)

Rise in chronic illnesses due to very little dietary diversity and lack of micronutrients

(FAO, 2017)


Obesity rates

are also high.

(FAO, 2017)

With 42% of the population under 18 (UNICEF 2012), this could spell a future public health crisis.

© 2020 Eat United (Comamos Juntos)

Registered as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation with the Charity Commission for England and Wales, Registered Charity no. 1165017. Registered in Nicaragua with registered charity no. 6678, published the National Journal “La Gaceta” dated 02.02.18.

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