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"Why waste food when we can share it instead?"
Eat United was born as an idea in Nicaragua 2013.
It began as an iniative led by young volunteers. What did they have in common?
A belief that food waste and food insecurity shouldn't coexist.
Over the years, the work of Eat United has been shaped by the efforts of a huge number of Vendors, Community Leaders, and Volunteers from all different walks of life. It has grown from the seed of an idea, to a simple action, to a fully-fledged organisation creating lasting impact.

We believe that food is fundamental for health, growth and unity.
We believe that food should be valued.
That's why we focus on building a well-organised, streamlined system that not only rescues and shares food, but also creates meaningful changes in the habits and capacities of those who participate (that includes "us"!) and in the conditions of the spaces where the organisation operates.
The idea was born.
First investigations + Pilot project
Launched in Managua
Began re-distributing and cooking food
First Food Workshops with children.
Formed Nicaraguan volunteer board
Public presentation of project and first results:
PAC Cultural Centre, Managua
Alianza Francesa, Managua
UCA (University of Centroamerica)
Raleigh International
Seeds of Learning
Developed Theory of Change model
Put the power in the community:
Community Leaders took responsibility for cooking and sharing food
Started receiving International Volunteers and began Homestay Program
First worldwide crowdfunding campaign
"Snap Your Snack" with 150+ participants from 15countries
Developing volunteer capacities:
Trained "Collection Coordinators"to manage and oversee the Food Rescue and Volunteering
Most Significant Change method:
Formalised monitoring and evaluation
Full time staff + office; opened internship opportunities
Eat United registered as a UK charity
Eat United registered a branch in Nicaragua
Launched "Food Justice Activist"
new program for local volunteers
Food Bank Model
Focus on sharing food packs to families.
Community cooking became more education-led.
Grant Awarded from the German Embassy
Built infrastructure in collaborating communities + food bank structures
Launched the "App" to track Food Rescue and Volunteering Programs
"Human Centred Design" method
to find innovative ways to motivate healthy food consumption
Formalised Food Bank Service
Registered the Food Bank Users and introduced a new food pack service
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